Notifications needed a home

While I was working on the notifications project, something became very clear to me: there was no place to view past notifications. For the scope of the first notifications project, that’s not a huge deal. As more notifications were rolled out, that would become a problem.

What if a customer wanted to view past notifications to make sure they were caught up? The app should have a dedicated place to organize all the notifications that were sent to a customer.

So I worked on a couple ideas on how a notification center might look and fit in to the current structure of the app.

Bell on the right

  • Uses the top right of the screen that is not being used.
  • Fun little shake when the screen loads when there is a notification.
  • White "takeover" animation for opening the activity.
  • Sets expectations with "content skeletons" while the information loads.
  • Playful build animation

Bell on the left, less icons

  • Simplifies the left side of the screen to 1 icon. Any activity or notifications would live underneath this icon.
  • Simple slide up animation for the panel to ground it in the users experience.
  • Separates out notifications from the other less timely actions that can be taken.
  • Sets expectations with "content skeletons" while the information loads.
  • Playful build animation

Bell on the left, less icons 2

  • Simplifies the left side of the screen to 1 icon. Any activity or notifications would live underneath this icon.
  • Fun little shake when the screen loads when there is a notification.
  • White "takeover" animation for opening the activity.
  • Icons slide out smooth from underneath the bell icon upon load.
  • Sets expectations with "content skeletons" while the information loads.
  • Playful build animation

Bell on right, robust panel

  • Simplifies the left side of the screen to 1 icon.
  • Bell icon doesn't live inside a round button, differentiating it from the buttons on the left.
  • Simple slide up animation for the panel to ground it in the users experience.
  • A robust panel to handle all kinds of notifications and activity.
  • Sets expectations with "content skeletons" while the information loads.